
Where are you in your journey?  Do you need assistance with a particular problem or are you looking to grow in your faith?  Maybe just a place to connect with other Christians and serve.  If you can't find what your looking for please - don't hesitate to reach out - we can't help if we don't know there is a need.

Sunday Morning Connect Classes 

Scott Askew
Meets in the Main Kitchen

 201 is our next steps class focusing on how to practice certain disciplines like studying scripture, prayer, etc... It is intended for those new to faith to give them a primer on how to continue to grow in Christ.  This is a 4 week class.

Jack Brooks
Meets in the Youth Center

The resurrection is the most important moment in history, but it is more than an event we remember on Easter Sunday. Join pastor J.D. Greear as he takes a deeper look at Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection in the Gospel of Matthew, revealing the ways we should see ourselves in Jesus’s story.

Dan & Nina Daugherty
Meets in the Sanctuary

In this series, Michael DeFazio (New Testament faculty at Ozark Christian College) will walk through the book of Romans to clarify the Gospel, unify the church, and prove God’s righteousness.

Ongoing Connect Class for Moms

Starting March 30th, there will be an ongoing connect class for Mom's led by Liza Redington.  'Giving Yourself Grace: A Study for Moms' will be held upstairs in the Youth Center.

Small Groups

Small groups provide fellowship and help us grow in our faith.  Our current groups have grown and we are looking at adding new groups in the fall.  If you would like to be a part of a group, host, or lead; please let us know!

Bible Studies

There are several Bible studies taking place.  Women's Ministry Bible study meets on Tuesday afternoon and Thursday evening.  Men's Axe Church is the First Monday of each month, meeting at Beary the Hatchet in New Bern.  Bible study open to everyone is Wednesday's at 10am in the Church kitchen led by Scott.  

rightnow MEDIA 

If you're interested in access to rightnow MEDIA, contact the office - we will get you connected! Info is also available at the Welcome Center.

Committing To Christ

What does committing to Christ mean?  


Baptism is the external sign and confirmation of your internal decision to follow Christ.  If you have questions or are looking for more information please contact us. 


Do you need help in living out your faith and learning more about the Bible?  Sometimes you need someone or several people to walk along side of you.

PATH Ministry at Broad Creek

A compassionate and confidential ministry for anyone seeking help and encouragement from the heartbreak of abortion.    
For more information contact:
Kathy Clay